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To understand the mechanism of spread of pine wilt disease caused by the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is vectored by a cerambycid, Monochamus alternatus, the spatial distribution of trees weakened by the nematode was examined within a Pinus thunbergii stand from June to October for 4 years. The weakened trees were distributed in a clumped pattern in 1980 and 1981, at an early stage of infestation. In many cases, they showed a double-clumped pattern. The degree of aggregation was higher in June or July than after August. They were uniformly distributed in June or July 1982 and in June 1983 whereas they showed a double-clumped pattern after August. The trees were frequently weakened in June or July when they were near the trees weakened during the previous year. At quadrat sizes of more than 25 m2, spatial overlapping was pronounced between trees weakened during June–July of the current year and those weakened in the previous year. The seasonal changes in spatial distribution of weakened trees were explained by the interaction among M. alternatus, B. xylophilus and Pinus trees.  相似文献   
利用福建农林大学研发的APF-Ⅰ型松墨天牛持久型诱芯和专用配套ZM-808型诱捕器诱捕松墨天牛成虫,摸清其在福建龙岩市新罗区的活动规律,为松材线虫病的防控提供依据。结果表明,新罗区松墨天牛成虫在3月下旬开始活动,为活动初期;活动盛期在5月中旬至7月中旬;7月下旬至11月上旬为活动末期;11月中旬至翌年3月上旬无松墨天牛成虫活动。5个诱捕器全年共收集松墨天牛成虫824头,其中雌虫701头,雄虫123头,雌雄比为1:0.18,收集到的松墨天牛成虫雌虫数量多于雄虫数量。根据松墨天牛成虫的活动规律,在松材线虫病防控工作中,松墨天牛诱捕器诱杀应在3月下旬至10月中下旬进行;每年3月底前应将不明原因枯死松树清理干净,同时加强林间松墨天牛成虫防治工作,杜绝传播隐患。  相似文献   
【目的】本研究旨在克隆并鉴定松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus内源漆酶基因MaLac1,分析其在松墨天牛不同发育阶段的表达水平,为进一步明确MaLac1功能提供依据。【方法】基于松墨天牛肠道转录组测序数据,通过RACE克隆松墨天牛MaLac1基因的全长cDNA序列,并对其进行生物信息学分析;将该基因与pET-32a载体链接构建表达载体pET-MaLac1,导入大肠杆菌Escherichia coli Rosetta (DE3)使其表达;使用qPCR检测MaLac1基因在松墨天牛不同发育阶段(低龄幼虫、老熟幼虫、蛹、雌成虫和雄成虫)肠道中的表达差异。【结果】克隆获得松墨天牛MaLac1的cDNA全长序列(GenBank登录号:KY073340)。MaLac1开放阅读框全长2 067 bp,编码一个含688个氨基酸的蛋白质,预测分子量为78.34 kD,等电点为5.30。SignalP 4.1 Server预测MaLac1在N端包含一个15个氨基酸的信号肽。序列比对分析表明,MaLac1具有典型的昆虫漆酶基因特征,与赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum漆酶基因的氨基酸序列一致性达93%。SDS-PAGE检测发现IPTG诱导表达了一条大约78 kD的特异蛋白条带,与推测大小一致。qPCR结果显示,MaLac1在不同发育阶段的松墨天牛肠道中均有表达,其中,在雌成虫肠道中表达量最高,在雄成虫肠道中的次之,在幼虫肠道中的最低。【结论】MaLac1在松墨天牛成虫中表达量显著高于其在幼虫中的,这一结果可能与幼虫和成虫的取食习性差异相关。MaLac1在松墨天牛体内的功能还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
Pine wilt disease is caused by the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is vectored by the Japanese pine sawyer beetle Monochamus alternatus. Due to their mutualistic relationship, according to which the nematode weakens and makes trees available for beetle reproduction and the beetle in turn carries and transmits the nematode to healthy pine trees, this disease has resulted in severe damage to pine trees in Japan in recent decades. Previous studies have worked on modeling of population dynamics of the vector beetle and the pine tree to explore spatial expansion of the disease using an integro-difference equation with a dispersal kernel that describes beetle mobility over space. In this paper, I revisit these previous models but retaining individuality: by considering mechanistic interactions at the individual level it is shown that the Allee effect, an increasing per-capita growth rate as population abundance increases, can arise in the beetle dynamics because of the necessity for beetles to contact pine trees at least twice to reproduce successfully. The incubation period after which a tree contacted by a first beetle becomes ready for beetle oviposition by later beetles is crucial for the emergence of this Allee effect. It is also shown, however, that the strength of this Allee effect depends strongly on biological mechanistic properties, especially on beetle mobility. Realistic individual-based modeling highlights the importance of how spatial scales are dealt with in mathematical models. The link between mechanistic individual-based modeling and conventional analytical approaches is also discussed.  相似文献   
松墨天牛及其天敌花绒坚甲种群的三维空间分布格局   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
2003~2005年对纯林和混交林中的黑松、马尾松、湿地松诱木按1 m一个区段进行全株解剖,解剖的松墨天牛和花绒坚甲的资料用聚集强度的5种指数测定空间格局.两种林分3种松树上,松墨天牛和花绒坚甲水平分布的聚集强度指数均为扩散系数C>1,扩散指数Iδ>1,久野指数CA>0,丛生指数I>1,聚块性指数Iw>1,表明两者水平分布均为聚集格局,两者水平分布格局一致.垂直分布除混交林马尾松树上的花绒坚甲为聚集分布外,其余均为均匀分布,5种聚集强度指标均是C<1,Iδ<1,CA<0,Iw<1,I<0,花绒坚甲与松墨天牛三维空间分布格局一致,前者对后者在空间上有追随关系.  相似文献   
调查和分析了松褐天牛Monochamus alternatusHope的产卵刻槽在寄主植物黑松上的分布情况,结果表明:产卵刻槽分布与寄主胸径和树高有一定的相关关系,黑松树干胸径在9~15 cm之间,树高在4~7 m之间最适合天牛产卵危害,其中在胸径9~13 cm范围内产卵刻槽数量最多,在此范围的寄主受天牛为害最重。天牛在胸径>17 cm或树高>7 m时,没有产卵刻槽分布。产卵刻槽集中分布于树干1~2 m位置,3 m以上很少有刻槽分布,同时,天牛产卵多在光线充足的地方,其中南面产卵刻槽数量最多。  相似文献   
松褐天牛触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩颖  张青文  路大光 《昆虫知识》2005,42(6):681-685
利用扫描电镜对松褐天牛Monochamus alternatusHope触角上的感器进行了观察和研究。结果表明:松褐天牛触角上共存在着6种感器,即毛形感器(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型)、B hm氏鬃毛、锥形感器、耳形感器、钟形感器、角形感器。并对松褐天牛触角不同种类感器的形态、分布以及雌雄感器在分布和数量上的差别进行了描述。  相似文献   
利用触角电位和嗅觉测定技术,比较分析松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope对马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb)健康和松材线虫危害的枝条挥发物的触角电位和行为反应特点。实验结果表明:未交配松墨天牛对健康枝条挥发物的EAG反应值大于被害枝条的,交配后天牛对被害枝条的EAG反应值明显大于健康枝条的。在“Y”型嗅觉仪中,未交配天牛对健康枝条挥发物表现为正趋性,对被害枝条挥发物表现为负趋性,而交配后天牛对被害枝条挥发物表现为正趋性,对健康枝条挥发物表现为负趋性。说明不同发育时期的松墨天牛成虫对不同生理状态的寄主具有不同的敏感性和选择性。  相似文献   
金龟子绿僵菌在森林土壤中的分布及对松墨天牛致病性测定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
松墨天牛是重大森林植物检疫性病害——松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫。本研究于2005年8月~2006年8月从福建、江西两省共110个林分样区(其中松林88个样区)采集土壤样品330份,采用选择性培养基分离土壤中的金龟子绿僵菌。从21个样区的26份土样中分离出的金龟子绿僵菌占采集样区的19.1%和样品的7.9%,成菌落数(CFU)500~72500CFU/g,表明金龟子绿僵菌在森林土壤中有较为广泛的分布。对分离到的9个产孢量高的菌株,采用浸渍法(1×10~7孢子/mL)接种3~4龄健康松墨天牛幼虫,采用跗节接种法接种2~15日龄健康成虫,测定其致病力。结果表明,MaYTTR-03、MaYTTR-04菌株对松墨天牛幼虫和成虫均有较高致病力,表现出良好的生防潜力。  相似文献   
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